
Student Catalog

In accordance with state and federal law, Caris College is providing this webpage as a means to review our policies, regulations, and disclosure reporting requirements. Additional information may be found in the Caris College Student Catalog.

Title IX

Caris College prohibits harassment of any kind, including, sexual harassment and sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Such behavior violates both law and Caris College policy. Caris College will respond promptly and effectively to all reports of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and when necessary, discipline behavior that violates this policy.

In all cases, Caris College strongly encourages complainants to report sexual violence directly to the Title IX Coordinator (listed below). When a complainant tells the Title IX Coordinator or another Official with Authority about a sexual violence incident, the complainant has the right to expect Caris College to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and fairly.

For more information regarding Caris College’s policies and procedures surrounding Title IX, as well as required training, please view Title IX Complete Overview.

Title IX Coordinator

Brittany Coffey
2780 Jefferson Centre Way, Suite 103 Jeffersonville, IN 47130

HEERF Funding Reports

Final HEERF Student Funding Report

Final HEERF Institutional Quarterly Funding Report

Consumer Disclosures

The following information is provided to you in accordance with the Department of Education’s requirements.

General Disclosure Information

Students who wish to file a complaint with the Indiana Board for Proprietary Education may do so by submitting an online Student Complaint Form.

Contact information:
101 W. Ohio Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204

To file a complaint with the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education, each person filing must submit a completed “Form to File a Complaint” [PE-24] to the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education by mail to Capital Plaza Tower, Room 302, and 500 Mero St, Frankfort, KY 40601. This form can be found on the website at www.kcpe.ky.gov.

Caris College measures satisfactory academic progress (SAP) by considering student’s quantitative (time) and qualitative (grades) components. The institution will measure both components at specified time periods. It is imperative to realize that all students, regardless of Federal Student Aid program participation, must complete their training within 150% maximum timeframe of the expected time to complete their program of study.

Caris College is a non-semester school in which Summer term(s) do not apply. All programs have individual term calendars divided into increments that do not exceed the lesser of one academic year or one-half of the published program length.  

Caris College measures Satisfactory Academic Progress [SAP] by considering student’s quantitative [time] and qualitative [grades] components.  The institution will measure both components at specified time periods.  It is imperative to realize all students, regardless of Federal Student Aid program participation, must complete their training within 150% maximum timeframe of the expected time to complete their program of study.  Caris College is a non-semester school.  All programs have individual term calendars divided into increments that do not exceed the lesser of one academic year or one-half of the published program length. 

All students in all programs must meet the following academic requirements to meet SAP:

  1. Complete the program of study prior to attempting 1 ½ times the credit hours required for graduation from the program.  Students must successfully complete 66.6% of the credit hours attempted each academic term and achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  2. Achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and successfully complete all required courses in the program with a grade of “C” or higher to qualify for graduation.
  3. Students who have failed to complete the program successfully and have attempted 150% of the program credit hours will be dismissed from the institution.


In order to fulfill the quantitative component for meeting SAP, students must progress at a pace of successfully completing 66.6% of credit hours attempted during each academic term.  This is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted.


Students are notified of the results of their current SAP evaluation electronically through the learning management system. If a student has not met all SAP requirements, he/she will be notified immediately by the Director of Academic Operations and will be required to meet with the Program Director in an advising session to discuss an Academic Leave of Absence.  Please refer to the full Academic Leave of Absence policy.


Non-punitive grades such as pass/fail do not affect the student GPA.  However, a fail must be re-taken, and the re-take does affect the maximum timeframe for completion.  Incompletes, grades of “I”, are only given for a temporary grade.  Outstanding work must be completed and submitted by a specified due date at which time the grade will be changed to the grade earned.  If the work is not finalized by the specified deadline, all outstanding work will convert to a zero “0” and will be averaged with all other coursework. The final grade is submitted to the Registrar and counts in the academic progress calculation.  Course withdrawals are counted towards attempted credit hours but not completed hours. 


Non-credit remedial courses are not counted toward the maximum time frame and/or GPA.  Credit value is assigned to noncredit remedial coursework for determining enrollment status only.

The standards used to judge satisfactory academic progress includes all periods of a student’s enrollment.  However, Caris College has a policy for a student who changes program of study.  It does not include in the calculation of a student’s academic standing the credits and grades that do not count toward the student’s new program of study.  Similarly, transfer credits that apply towards the student’s program of study will be counted as both attempted and completed hours and towards the 150% maximum timeframe of the expected time to complete their program of study.  Transfer credits are not included as part of the student’s cumulative GPA and are given a grade designation of “–”.


Student Statuses Related to Satisfactory Academic Progress

Active – The student is satisfactorily meeting academic progress requirements and is in good standing.


Warning – A student who is not achieving Satisfactory Academic Progress standards will be placed on Warning. The student may continue to attend class and receive Title IV HEA, Kentucky, or Indiana state financial aid, if applicable, for one additional quarter. The student will be notified continued failure to achieve SAP compliance will result in further punitive action.


Academic Probation – A previous “Termination” status student who has successfully appealed for reentry may be placed on Academic Probation. The Academic Probation student has not previously utilized and does not plan to utilize Title IV HEA and/or Kentucky or Indiana state financial aid. The Academic Probation status allows the student to continue to attend classes with a goal of achieving SAP standards by the end of the Academic Probation term or by a specified period of time established in an Academic Recovery Plan.


Financial Aid Probation – A previous “Termination” status student who has successfully appealed for reentry due to extenuating or special circumstances as outlined in the appeal processes may be placed on Financial Aid Probation. The Financial Aid Probation student has previously utilized Title IV HEA and/or Kentucky or Indiana state financial aid and may remain eligible for Title IV HEA and/or Kentucky or Indiana state financial aid due to extenuating and/or special circumstances. The Financial Aid Probation status allows the student to continue classes with a goal of achieving SAP standards by the end of the Financial Aid Probation term or by a special period of time established in an Academic Recovery Plan.

Termination – A previous “Warning” or “Probation” status student will be terminated if the student fails to meet SAP standards and/or fulfill the terms of the Academic Recovery Plan at the end of the warning or probation term. A terminated student may not continue in school or receive Title IV HEA and/or Kentucky or Indiana state financial aid unless reinstated through the SAP appeal process.

Due to the nature of our accelerated programs students are not eligible to continue to move forward in their academic progress if they do not successfully pass all courses within a respective term, and/or achieve SAP standards upon evaluation of an academic term. The student will be required to take an Academic Leave of Absence [LOA] in order to retake the failed course(s) and/or the academic term in its entirety.  Please refer to the Dismissal/Termination policy for more information regarding course retakes.


At the end of each term, the student’s cumulative grade point average [CGPA] and rate of progress is reviewed to determine whether the student is meeting SAP requirements.


The first term the student fails to meet SAP requirements will be placed on Warning. This probationary status should be utilized by the student to meet SAP requirements and come into compliance. Students must complete the program of study prior to attempting 1 ½ times the credit hours required for graduation from the program and must complete their training within 150% maximum timeframe of the expected time to complete their program of study. The student will be eligible to receive Federal Title IV financial aid while on Warning, if applicable.  The retake term does affect the maximum timeframe for completion because both term credits [original term and retake term] are counted towards SAP.  Students will only be allowed to repeat a failed course one time.


Students who return on a Warning status will be re-evaluated at the end of their retake term.  In order to become SAP compliant, the student must raise their CGPA and rate of progress to meet or exceed the minimum requirements. If the student comes into SAP compliance after their re-take term, they will return to active status.  


If a student has failed to meet the SAP guidelines at the end of their retake term, the student will be placed into a terminated status.  In the event a student is terminated, the student may apply for an appeal if special or mitigating circumstances exist. Mitigating circumstances that may lead to a successful appeal may include:  student illness or injury, death of a student’s relative or other reason resulting in extreme hardship to the student.

A student who has been determined to fail SAP by Caris College or been terminated may appeal the determination if special or mitigating circumstances exist. Mitigating circumstances that may lead to a successful appeal may include:  student illness or injury, death of a student’s relative or other reason resulting in extreme hardship to the student.

Any appeal must be submitted through an electronic form found by visiting https://forms.gle/RxPgPyCPxV9xTKft7 and must be received by the Director of Academic Operations no later than five (5) business days after receiving notification of his/her probation status/termination from the school. The form must include reasons why minimum academic requirements were not achieved and what corrections will be made to achieve minimum satisfactory academic progress standards the following term.  Documentation to support the appeal is highly recommended. The student will be notified of the outcome of the appeal within five (5) business days of the receipt of the appeal form.  The decision of the Director of Academic Operations is final and may not be further appealed.[1]

Grading Policy

The College operates on a quarter or term basis.  Completed academic units of credits are issued in quarter credit hours.  Grades are assigned based on the following levels of achievement and earn quality points as indicated:


Letter Grade



Quality Points per Credit Hour







Above Average









Student has not satisfactorily met course requirements and must repeat the course.





Student has not satisfactorily met course requirements and must repeat the course.







Not computed


Leave of Absence

Not computed


Audit Grade Review

Not computed

Transfer Credit

Not computed

*Ranges may differ in a Diagnostic Medical Sonography or Practical Nursing program.  Please refer to the applicable student handbook.

** An incomplete (I) is assigned only when a small amount of work is not completed due to mitigating circumstances satisfactory to the instructor under the authorization of the Director of Academic Operations.  The student must complete all work within one (1) week following the last class date1, the “I” will then be converted to a final grade and the GPA recalculated.  If the work is not completed the “I” will become an “F” at the end of the allotted timeframe.

1Extensions for clinical/externship hours may be granted for extenuating circumstances

A grade of a “D” is not acceptable in courses. Please refer to the individual course syllabus for further details.            

Caris College adheres to the tenet and vision of the Act. Our facilities are wheelchair accessible. The school accommodates students with diagnosed and properly documented learning disabilities to the extent that is reasonable for placement in the field upon graduation. Special arrangements can be made for students needing special testing arrangements and other support type services in the classrooms.

For further information regarding students with disabilities, please let your special need be known to your admissions representative during your admission process. The admissions staff will work with other school personnel to coordinate reasonable accommodations.

Caris College provides equal admissions opportunity to all applicants. Qualified persons are selected without prejudice or discrimination by reason of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religious belief, national or ethnic origin, or disability. Our institution follows the tenets and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Otherwise qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities are eligible for admission on an equal basis with non-disabled applicants, considering reasonable accommodations for their limitations.

Caris College discloses the total costs of each program offered in our Official Student Catalog under supplement B. There are no additional charges outside the published cost. The college does not provide on-campus housing. Therefore, transportation costs vary depending on distance traveled and type of transportation.

Caris College currently offers diploma programs in Comprehensive Dental Assisting and Acute/Clinical Technician and an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Courses for these programs are held on the campus of Caris College, with the exception of externships which are coordinated and carried out at an approved dental/medical facility. More information regarding Caris College and its programs, including program/course descriptions and faculty information, can be found in our institutional catalog. Instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to academic programs: The campus for Caris College is located in Jeffersonville, Indiana.  Located at 2780 Jefferson Centre Way, the campus is easily accessible from I-265, just off of East 10th Street. We offer an environment for both lecture and lab activities in our approximate four thousand (13,500) square feet facility.  

Equipment used is appropriate for professional training and consists of five dental operatories, a dental lab, digital X-ray as well as film X-ray equipment, ten computer stations with Dentrix dental software, and digital projectors. In addition to a full dental lab, we have lab and patient examination area for use in the Acute Clinical Technician program. Included in this area are: phlebotomy chair, patient examination table, EKG machine, phlebotomy supplies, etc.The campus also contains equipment appropriate for use in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program. Included are, two Philips IU22 units and two Siemens Acuson Sequoia 512 units. The exposure to two different machines will enhance the learning environment for our students by preparing them to utilize a variety of equipment before entering the career field. Additionally, dimming switches are installed in this classroom to meet the lighting needs for operating the previously mentioned equipment. We provide access to a variety of resources both on-campus and electronically. The [on-campus] Library hosts a variety of topic-specific reference books, periodicals and journals.  

Additionally, we subscribe to the health sciences library online through J-STOR. Dental and medical supplies, equipment, instruments, etc., are always available for student’s use. The campus maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy for tobacco products including, but not limited to, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes. Caris College utilizes a residential delivery mode for all of our training.

Students transferring from other schools are required to earn at least seventy five percent (75%) of the hours required for completion of a program through instruction at Caris College. For all of our programs, a transcript from the former school and a personal interview with the Admissions Advisor are required. An unofficial transcript may be used only for evaluation purposes. An official transcript must be sent directly to Caris College by the previous school for previous credit to be awarded. Caris will only accept previous credit from another institution accredited by an agency recognized by the Secretary of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). For credit from another institution to be considered for acceptance by Caris College, a minimum grade of “C” must be achieved (if sonography, a “B” or better). A copy of the school’s catalog should also be submitted so that the program content can be compared as part of the transcript evaluation. Syllabi and course outlines are also helpful. A determination will be made by Caris College as to the number of credits which can be transferred as credit toward our program requirements. This determination will be made in view of the course material previously taken and the length of time since the training was received. The applicant may be asked to take written examinations, over prior course material, to insure competency in cognitive areas of study, or to demonstrate hands-on proficiency. There is a fifty dollar ($50) examination fee that applies to each test. After transfer hours have been established and a personal interview with the Admissions Advisor has been successfully completed, the applicant will be charged for only the hours needed to complete Caris College training requirements, plus the application fee. The same refund policy that applies to program students also applies to transfer students. Students may make application to take individual classes rather than a program, in special circumstances, and based on the availability of space. Hours completed at Caris College may or may not be accepted by transfer to another institution. Students planning to transfer out of this institution should verify, with the receiving institution, that hours will be accepted.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy/Procedures

When a copyright violation is discovered, copyright holders or their agents may report the alleged infringement to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) where the IP address of the infringer is registered. Caris College is required to respond to complaints from copyright holders, and organizations representing copyright holders, regarding computers on campus that are illegally distributing copyrighted materials. Copyright holders or their agents will request that the institution identify the owner of the machine associated with the reported IP address and relay the Takedown or DMCA Notice to the alleged copyright infringer and/or coordinate the removal of access to the infringing content.

To send a DMCA notice to the Web Administrator, please use the following address:
Caris College; 2780 Jefferson Centre Way, Suite 103; Jeffersonville IN 47130.

Or fax to: (888) 464-1253 (on the cover sheet, please write: Attention: DMCA NOTICE).

Requests to remove, disable access to, or disable distribution of material allegedly involved in copyright infringement must include the following:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple such works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
  3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party has the authority to enforce the owner’s rights that are claimed to be infringed.

Upon receipt of a proper notification from a bona fide copyright holder, or agent for the copyright holder, alleging that a system connected to Caris’s network is in violation of the provisions of the DMCA, access to Caris’s network will be disabled. The system’s network privileges will only be restored after the infringing materials are removed and the person or persons responsible for the system agree to abide by the Institute’s Computer Usage Policy.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violations of Federal Copyright Laws

The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject you to civil and criminal liabilities. Penalties for infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed.

For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. Willful copyright infringement also can result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, please see www.copyright.gov and www.copyright.gov/help/faq. Legal Alternatives For legal alternatives to illegal downloading, please see http://www.educause.edu/legalcontent.

Caris College does not subcontract any part of student education to another entity. While your program may involve an off-site externship, Caris College is responsible for the education component of the externship course and oversees the method of delivery and evaluates the performance.

To date, Caris College has articulation agreements in place with the following institution: Prosser Career Education Center

To date, Caris College has not entered into written arrangements with another institution in which students are provided educational services outside of our institution.

Caris College is licensed by both the Indiana Board for Proprietary Education and the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education. In addition, we are institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES), a national accreditation commission recognized by the United States Department of Education, Washington D.C. Their contact information is: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) 6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730, North Bethesda, MD 20852.

The institution is approved by the following:

  • Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Trade Adjustment Act (TAA)
  • Kentucky State Board of Dentistry
  • Indiana Board for Proprietary Education
  • Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education
  • Indiana State Department of Health Medical Radiology Services 
  • Indiana State Board of Nursing
  • Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)

If more information is required, please contact the Registrar office to review documents describing accreditation, approval, or licensing.

Caris College is required by the U.S. Department of Education to post 26 items on the College Navigator website. This consumer information is compiled by data submitted through federal reporting agencies by the College. Please click here to be directed to Caris College’s Consumer Information on the College Navigator website.

Caris College discloses the following information regarding the institution’s student body diversity for the 2023-2024 academic year:


  • Male: 9/274 = 3.3%
  • Female: 265/274 = 96.7%

Self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group:

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native: 2/274 = less than 1%
  • Asian: 3/274 = 1.1%
  • Black or African American: 48/274 = 17.5%
  • Hispanic: 14/274 = 5.1%
  • Unknown: 0/274 = 0%
  • Two or more races: 16/274= 5.8%
  • White: 190/274 = 69.3%
  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 1/274= less than 1%

Financial Aid recipients

  • Federal Pell Grant recipients: 200/274 = 72.99%

This information was updated on 9/12/2024.

Please click here to access our Net Price Calculator.

Textbook Information

Please visit our bookstore to view the most current textbook requirements and pricing for each program.

Supplies Information

Caris College provides all laboratory and clinical supplies and fees together in the pricing for supplies and fees listed on the enrollment agreement and in the Institutional Catalog. All laboratory and clinical supplies are not permitted to be purchased separately or from any other source. This is to protect our students’ health and safety. Due to the hygienic nature of these supplies, student protection is our main concern. All supplies purchased by the school for student use are sealed, unused, and sanitized according to industry standards.


Caris College is not held liable for books purchased outside of the Caris College book package. This includes but is not limited to any delays in shipping and processing, additional shipping and processing fees, availability of books, and wrong title(s) or wrong published date(s) purchased. Students are held fully and financially responsible for any textbooks purchased outside of the Caris College book package.

Because Pell funds are not requested by Caris College until student matriculation, Pell funds are not available to use for advance book and supply purchases. However, the College does allow students to purchase the required books, etc. and the College will carry that balance on the student account until such time funds become available. Currently we do not offer online registration.

You may register to vote in Kentucky by clicking here. To register to vote in Indiana, click here. Voter registration forms are also available on campus in the break room. We encourage every eligible student to exercise their right to vote. If not already registered, please do so today!

Caris College participates in Constitution Day every year on September 17 to commemorate the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution. The following websites provide additional information about the Constitution:

The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances and alcohol by employees, students, and visitors on College premises or as part of any College activity. Areas, where the use is prohibited, include: student campus activities, classrooms, school parking lots, roadways, leisure activity areas, and all offices or work areas considered college property.

Caris College enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding drug and alcohol use on campus. As a service to our students, faculty, and staff, Caris College can refer individuals to Drug and Alcohol Abuse programs that highlight the health risks of drug and alcohol abuse and local resources for addiction support. Violators of the institutional Drug and Alcohol Policy are subject to strict sanctions up to and including dismissal from the institution. Legal sanctions determined by state, local, and federal law may also apply.

To date, Caris College has encountered no drug or alcohol-related violations and fatalities on the school’s campus or as a part of a school-related function. Click to view our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.

Completion or graduation rate of certificate or degree seeking, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students are disclosed annually through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Graduation Rate Survey. The data is made available by July 1 of each year for the most recent cohort that has had 150% of normal time for completion by August 31 of the prior year. A student is counted as a completion or graduation if the student earns a degree or certificate within 150% of normal time for the student’s program. The HEOA (Section 448(a)(3)) added a provision requiring that the completion or graduation rates must be disaggregated by:
  • Gender
  • Major racial and ethnic subgroup (as defined by IPEDS)
  • Recipients of a Federal Pell Grant
  • Recipients of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant
  • Students who did not receive either a Pell Grant or subsidized Stafford Loan
NOTE: Students are considered to have received a grant or loan if they received it for the period used for determining the cohort – fall term or full year. The disaggregated rates are to be disclosed only if the number of students in each group is sufficient to yield statistically reliable information and not reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student. Caris College is not required to disclose transfer-out rate.

Caris College works hard to produce high quality programs that instill the skills necessary to find employment in our students’ field of study. Through student and employer confirmation, Caris College gathers statistical data regarding employment.

The following formula is used to calculate the placement rate for all programs: Placement Rate = (F + R)/(G-U)

  • F = Graduates placed in their field of training
  • R* = Graduates placed in a related field of training
  • G = Total graduates
  • U** = Graduates unavailable for placement

The following placement data is for the reporting period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

  • Comprehensive Dental Assisting: 82%
  • Comprehensive Medical Assisting: 75%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (General): 95%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Cardiac): 100%
  • Practical Nursing : 88%
  • Veterinary Assisting: 81%

To be considered successfully placed, students must be employed for at least 30 days within 180 days of graduation from Caris College. Dental Assisting job examples include Dental Assistant, Expanded Duties Dental Assistant (EDDA), Laboratory Technician, and Front Office. Diagnostic Medical Sonography job examples include Sonographer, Ultrasound Software Application and Ultrasound Sales positions.

The following formula is used to calculate the retention rate for all programs: Retention Rate = (EE + G) / (BE + NS + RE)

  • EE= Ending Enrollment [Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on June 30]
  • G= Graduates
  • BE= Beginning Enrollment [Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on July 1]
  • NS= New Starts
  • RE= Re-Entries [Number of students that re-enter into school who dropped from a previous annual report time period]

The following retention data is for the reporting period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

  • Comprehensive Dental Assisting: 79%
  • Comprehensive Medical Assisting: 92%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (General): 95%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Cardiac): 81%
  • Practical Nursing: 76%
  • Veterinary Assisting: 72%

Caris College releases the annual security report on October 1 of each year to all current students and employees. The current 2023 report includes statistical crime data provided for the past three calendar years. Paper copies are available upon request to the Campus Director or the Director of Education.

Click here to view our 2024 Campus Safety and Security Report.

Click here to view our 2024 Campus Safety and Security Survey Completion Certificate. 

Click here to view our current Emergency Procedures Manual.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Caris College, with certain exceptions, obtain a student’s written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their educational records. However, Caris College may disclose appropriately designated directory information without written consent, unless you have advised the College to the contrary in accordance with College procedures.

FERPA defines directory information as information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. Caris College defines directory information in accordance with the provisions of FERPA to include:

  • student name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • date and place of birth
  • major field of student
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees and awards received
  • most recent educational agency or institution attended
  • and/or participation in recognized activities

Upon enrollment, students sign a form regarding disclosure of directory information. Students wishing to amend their request for disclosure of directory information may do so by filing a written request to the Registrar at any time. Such a request will remain in effect during the enrollment period unless the student requests its removal in writing, except as authorized by law. Such exceptions include, but are not limited to, agencies duly conducting authorized audits of school records, compliance with a legally authorized court order, school officials with legitimate educational interest, financial aid to a student, and accrediting organizations.

FERPA indicates that students and former students should be granted the opportunity to change their names on education records upon the production of evidence showing that the name has changed. For more information about the procedure to request changes to the name appearing on a student’s education record, please contact us at (812) 952-9791.

Caris College provides to all currently enrolled students, including those serving in active-duty military, veterans, military spouses, and other family members, a college shopping sheet displaying information regarding cost of attending, sources of educational funding and institutional statistics regarding completion/placement rates, median loan amount, etc. for the school. Caris College provides full disclosure of the following information to all students.

  • Maximum amount of Title IV, HEA aid available to students
  • Qualifications of Title IV, HEA loans
  • Terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA loans and an explanation of how they may be more favorable than the provision of private education loans
  • Information regarding the educational benefit programs offered by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense
  • Information regarding private student loans and their distinction from Title IV, HEA loan information

Caris College fully discloses the following information in the institutional catalog so that current or prospective students, including those in active-duty military, veterans, military spouses and other family members, so that they may understand the requirements necessary to graduate and the expected timeline of completion:

  • Total number of credits needed to complete a specific program
  • Coursework details
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress standards
  • Transfer policies from other accredited institutions
  • Application of relevant training

Additional information is provided upon request. Please call (812) 258-9492 for more details.

Caris College participates in the Federal Student Aid program. Through the Federal Student Aid program, need-based aid in the form of grant assistance is available to those who qualify. Eligibility for need-based aid is determined after the completion of the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Complete your Free Application for Student Aid today.

More information regarding federal grant programs may be found at the U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website or by calling 1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-3243). As always, individuals may contact the Caris College Financial Aid Office at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or (812) 258-9492 to learn more. Caris College participates in Indiana State Grants: 21st Century Scholars, Frank O’Bannon Grant (IN Higher Education Award), and Adult Student Grant for Associate degree programs.

Caris College participates in the Federal Student Aid Direct loan program. Federal Direct Loans are available to those who are eligible. Eligibility is determined after the completion of the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Please visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa to complete your Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).

Students can learn more about their rights and responsibilities as borrowers in the Federal Direct Loan Program by visiting https://studentaid.gov/ or by calling 1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-3243). As always, individuals may contact the Caris College Financial Aid Office at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or (812) 258-9492 to learn more.

In compliance with regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, Caris College is required to submit information regarding a student/parent’s Federal Direct Loan to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Authorized users of the data system are guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools. More information regarding NSLDS reporting can be found at https://studentaid.gov/dashboard.

Caris College abides by the following Code of Conduct with regard to education loans and private student lenders:
  • We do not engage in revenue sharing
  • We do not accept gifts
  • We are prohibited from entering consulting/contractual arrangements
  • We are prohibited from accepting offers of funds for private loans
  • We do not accept staffing assistance
  • We are prohibited from receiving compensation for advisory board service

Caris College is not currently approved to offer post-secondary education through distance education or correspondence courses located in a state for which the institution is not located.

Caris College’s Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Comprehensive Medical Assistant, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Practical Nursing, and Veterinary Assistant programs’ curricula meets the state education requirements leading to professional licensure or certification in the State of Indiana. The institution has not made such a determination for any other state.

Percentage of students enrolled full-time, who are male/female, Pell-eligible, and are self-identified as a member of a racial or ethnic group.

  • 200 students were eligible for Pell 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024
  • Total Men and Women = 274
  • Total Men = 9
    • Asian = 0
    • Black or African American = 1
    • Hispanic = 0
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander = 0
    • Race and Ethnicity Unknown = 0
    • Two or More Races = 0
    • White = 8
  • Total Women = 265
    • American Indian or Alaska Native = 2
    • Asian = 3
    • Black or African American = 47
    • Hispanic = 14
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander = 1
    • Race and Ethnicity Unknown = 0
    • Two or More Races = 16
    • White = 182

Job Placement Rates (Reported to ABHES for time period 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024)

  • Comprehensive Dental Assisting – 82%
  • Comprehensive Medical Assistant – 75%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (AB/OB)– 95%
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ECHO)– 100%
  • Practical Nursing – 88%
  • Veterinary Assistant – 81%

Caris College does not currently offer four-year degree programs.

Retention Rate for first time full-time (Cohort students who completed their program within 100% of normal time to completion). Reported to IPEDS for period: 9/1/2016 – 8/31/2017:

  • Overall rates for cohort year 2016 = 93%
  • Men = 0%
  • Women = 93%

Caris College is not currently required to maintain a teach-out plan by its accreditor, ABHES.

To date, there have been no enforcement actions of prosecutions brought against Caris College by a state or federal law enforcement agency in any matter where a final judgement against the institution, if rendered, would result in adverse action by the accrediting agency, revocation by state authorizing agency, or limitation, suspension or termination of Title IV eligibility.

Click here to view report.

Caris College is not considered a religious institution.

Caris College does not require vaccinations or other immunizations for acceptance.

Students are provided documentation regarding their immunization history during orientation. Students are not required to have immunizations as part of the enrollment process but must have all required immunizations before entering externship or clinicals. The following table outlines which vaccines or tests are required for which program.

Vaccine: Measles, Mumps and Rubella [MMR]

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Documentation of appropriate vaccination (two doses of MMR administered on or after the first birthday) OR Laboratory evidence of immunity (Rubeola IgG, Mumps IgG and Rubella IgG titers)
  • Applicable Programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis [Tdap]

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Documentation of one dose of Tdap is a requirement (no greater than 2 years ago)
  • Applicable Programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Varicella [Chickenpox]

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Documentation of two (2) doses of varicella vaccine given at least 28 days apart, OR Laboratory evidence of immunity (Varicella IgG titer)
  • Applicable Programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Hepatitis B

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Documentation of completed three (3) shot series, OR Documentation of a completed Hepislav-B series (2 doses 1 month apart), OR Signed Hepatitis B vaccine refusal form
  • Applicable Programs: Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Influenza

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Annual influenza vaccination documentation (if unable to receive the flu vaccine, documented validation must be received from student’s physician)
  • Applicable Programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Tuberculosis [TB]

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Documentation of “clean” two-step PPD (second PPD to be obtained 7-21 days following the reading of the first. In the case of a reactive skin test, student must have a clear chest x-ray)
  • Applicable Programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Vaccine: Hepatitis A

  • Immunization/Testing Standards: Encouraged but is not a required immunization
  • Applicable Programs: N/A

Click here to view report.

Financial Aid Information

Caris College makes available to prospective and enrolled students information regarding how and where to contact to obtain institutional or financial aid information. The following individuals are designated to be contacted to assist students during normal campus hours: Financial Aid Assistance  Email: financialaid@cariscollege.edu Office: (812) 258-9492

There are several financial aid programs that eligible students may participate in while a student at Caris College.

Most well-known are the Pell Grant and Direct Student Loan Programs. Programs can be based on need and non-need. Also, some other less known programs are available to those who qualify.

A specific program is offered to dependents (under 24 years of age) that lost a parent or guardian as a result of service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001. More information regarding financial aid programs may be obtained through numerous US Department of Education websites.

Federal Student Aid Office of the U.S. Department of Education is the primary source of information. Publications designed by the U.S. Department of Education can be found at the Federal Student Aid website and the Federal Student Aid Knowledge Center.

You may also call for information at 1-800-433-3243 (1-800-4-finaid). Social network sites are available. Through the above contacts, all procedures, forms, and entrance and exit counseling forms may be located. Of course, our financial aid office is available to assist you with the process of applying for financial aid. Always feel free to contact Financial Aid Office at 812-258-9492 or by email financialaid@cariscollege.edu.

Caris College participates in the Federal Student Aid Direct loan program. Federal Direct Loans are available to those who are eligible. Eligibility is determined after the completion of the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Please visit the official FAFSA website to complete your Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).

Students can learn more about their rights and responsibilities as borrowers in the Federal Direct Loan Program by visiting https://studentaid.gov/ or by calling 1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-3243).

Caris College recognizes that private education loans are available to prospective borrowers and makes an effort to disclose all information regarding the eligibility for loans and other assistance under the Title IV, HEA programs to such borrowers. Full disclosure of Federal aid programs (including the terms and conditions of the Title IV, HEA program loans) provides prospective borrowers with the information necessary to make well-informed decisions regarding their educational funding.

As always, individuals may contact the Caris College Financial Aid Office at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or (812) 258-9492 to learn more.

Terms and conditions of Federal Student Loans (Direct and Direct PLUS Loans) are listed on the Master Promissory Note signed by a borrower accepting the loan.

Students who have a completed a financial aid file and have met with our Financial Aid department are reviewed for financial aid eligibility. Award amounts for Direct Loans are determined by the remaining eligibility from need and budget limits.

Pell Grant EFC (estimated family contribution) determines Pell Grant eligibility.

Caris College currently does not offer Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) or campus-based awards.

A financial aid award is determined by first establishing a standard budget, or cost of education. Using a set of formulae developed by the U.S. Congress, called the Federal Methodology, a calculation of a student’s resources and expected family contribution (EFC), if applicable, is determined.

The difference between a student’s cost of attendance and the student’s personal and family contribution constitutes that student’s financial need. Under no circumstance may financial aid exceed a student’s cost of attendance.

Caris College’s Financial Aid department makes awards which, when added to the funds that are expected from students, their spouses, their families, and other available sources, should enable students to meet the basic costs of attending Caris College. Educational Loans make up an important part of many aid awards. The basic loans are issued through the federal student loan programs and various supplemental loan programs. Private supplemental loan programs offer funds to students who are not eligible for the federal loan programs.

Applicants are strongly urged NOT TO WAIT for notification of admission before filing financial applications. In order to have an applicant’s need individually evaluated, and to receive the aid he or she is entitled to, the applicant must complete the following forms required for a U.S. citizen/permanent resident.


  1. FAFSA
    All applicants requesting financial assistance who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens are expected to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is essential for establishing eligibility for federal financial aid programs, including the Pell Grant and the Federal Direct Loan programs. For efficiency and accuracy, complete the application online at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. Caris College’s federal school code is 042743 which is necessary to complete the FAFSA and to ensure that the Caris College Financial Aid department receives the processed information electronically.
    All applicants wishing to be considered for Pell grants and Federal Direct loans complete a meeting with Caris College’s Financial Aid department. This meeting is designed to help students understand the financial aid process as well as have personal, confidential time to ask questions.
    Students that qualify for Federal aid must submit a copy of their tax return and in some cases may be asked to submit a copy of their parents’ tax returns, to the Financial Aid department.
The Caris College Financial Aid department disburses financial aid and processes available refunds. Disbursement can be delayed if students do not meet certain eligibility requirements such as the number of hours enrolled or financial aid hold. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the criteria necessary for release of financial assistance. Any questions concerning eligibility for financial assistance can be answered by contacting the Financial Aid department. Q. How and when will my financial aid be paid, applied, or disbursed to my account? A. Your financial aid will be applied to all Institutional tuition, fees, and charges. Once all of your paperwork has been submitted and processed by the Financial Aid department, you are enrolled in the required number of hours and meet all program requirements including Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), financial aid is disbursed as follows:
First Disbursement: 30 calendar days after the first term start date Second Disbursement: 1 calendar week after the student begins their externship NOTE: Students are NOT eligible to receive Federal Direct Loans during an approved Leave of Absence (LOA). Students are eligible to receive Federal Grants during LOA. Students who receive financial assistance from Title IV Programs (Federal Pell Grant and Direct Loans including subsidized, unsubsidized and PLUS loans) earn Title IV aid through attendance. After a Title IV eligible student completes more than sixty percent (60%) of the scheduled hours in a payment period, they have earned one hundred (100%) percent of scheduled Title IV funds for that specific period. If a Title IV eligible student withdraws from school prior to completing more than sixty percent (60%) of the scheduled hours in the disbursement period, he/she is subject to the Return of Title IV Funds requirements established by the U.S. Department of Education. Q. When will I receive a refund if my aid exceeds my charges? A. Refunds are only made available once all tuition, fees, and charges have been paid in full. Refunds are applied to a paper check which will be mailed through the U.S. mail to the permanent mailing address on file with Caris College. Please note that it may take 7-14 business days to receive this refund. Any credit balance created by a PLUS Loan that is to be refunded to the borrower will be issued via paper check.

Prior to requesting loan funds, Caris College provides first-time borrowers of a Federal Direct Loan information regarding the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s rights and responsibilities. The terms and conditions of the loan program are defined in the Master Promissory Note.

The Master Promissory Note is the contract that connects the Direct Loan borrower to the loan. Information regarding the Master Promissory Note as well as the rights and responsibilities of the borrower is outlined during Entrance Counseling.

Entrance Counseling identifies the seriousness and importance of a students’ repayment obligation, interest information, key terms and concepts regarding the Federal Direct Loan program, payment information, etc. Entrance Counseling tutorials and Master Promissory Notes can be found by visiting https://studentaid.gov/. For more information or further assistance, the Caris College Financial Aid Office is available to help. Contact us today at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or call 812-258-9492.

Caris College provides exit counseling services to borrowers of loans under the Federal Direct Loan program. Exit counseling provides information on repayment terms, debt management strategies, borrower’s rights and responsibilities, tax benefits available to borrowers, etc. Information regarding exit counseling can be found at https://studentaid.gov/. For more information or further assistance, the Caris College Financial Aid Office is available to help. Contact us today at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or call (812) 258-9492.
Caris College strives to teach students the tools needed to have a successful future including the importance and necessity of repaying student loans. More information including a sample repayment schedule can be found at the Federal Student Aid website here. For first-time borrowers, Federal Direct Loans will not be disbursed until 30 days after the first term start date. Student MUST begin their externship to be eligible for this disbursement.

Prior to requesting loan funds, Caris College provides first-time borrowers of a Federal Direct Loan information regarding the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s rights and responsibilities. The terms and conditions of the loan program are defined in the Master Promissory Note. The Master Promissory Note is the contract that connects the Direct Loan borrower to the loan. Information regarding the Master Promissory Note, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the borrower, is outlined during Entrance Counseling.

Entrance Counseling identifies the seriousness and importance of a students’ repayment obligation, interest information, key terms and concepts regarding the Federal Direct Loan program, payment information, etc. Entrance Counseling tutorials and Master Promissory Notes can be found by visiting studentaid.gov. For more information or further assistance, the Caris College Financial Aid Office is available to help. Contact us today at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or call (812) 258-9492.

Caris College provides exit counseling services to borrowers of loans under the Federal Direct Loan program. Exit counseling provides information on repayment terms, debt management strategies, borrower’s rights and responsibilities, tax benefits available to borrowers, etc. Information regarding exit counseling can be found at https://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/. For more information or further assistance, the Caris College Financial Aid Office is available to help. Contact us today at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or call (812) 258-9492.

Caris College recognizes that private education loans are available to prospective borrowers and makes an effort to disclose all information regarding the eligibility for loans and other assistance under the Title IV, HEA programs to such borrowers. Full disclosure of Federal aid programs (including the terms and conditions of the Title IV, HEA program loans) provides prospective borrowers with the information necessary to make well-informed decisions regarding their educational funding.

For more information or further assistance, the Caris College Financial Aid Office is available to help. Contact us today at financialaid@cariscollege.edu or call (812) 258-9492.

Upon request from an enrolled or admitted student applicant for a private education loan, Caris College will provide, in writing, the self-certification form for private loans required in Section 128(e)((3) of the Truth in Lending Act and the information required to complete the form, to the extent that the school possesses the information. For a sample self-certification form, please click here.

Refund Policies, Requirements for Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV Financial Aid

If a postsecondary educational institution utilizes a refund policy of their recognized regional/national accrediting body or the current United States Department of Education (USDOE) Title IV refund policy, the postsecondary educational institution must provide written verification in the form of a final refund calculation, upon the request of the Commission/Board, that its refund policy is more favorable to the student than that of the Commission’s/Board’s.

Postsecondary educational institutions accredited by a regionally/nationally recognized accrediting body must uniformly apply the Commission’s/Board’s tuition refund policy or the refund policy of their recognized accrediting body, as previously approved by the Commission/Board to all first-time students enrolled.

Postsecondary educational institutions using a refund policy other than that of the Commission’s/Board’s must list the complete policy and its location in the institutional catalog and the enrollment agreement.

The postsecondary educational institution shall pay a refund to the student in the amount calculated under the refund policy specified in this section or as otherwise approved by the Commission/Board. The institution must make the proper refund no later than thirty-one (31) days of the student’s request for cancellation or withdrawal. The following refund policy applies to each resident postsecondary educational institution, except as noted in: 1. A student is entitled to a full refund if one (1) or more of the following criteria are met:
  • The student cancels the institutional student contract or enrollment agreement within six (6) business days after signing.
  • The student does not meet the postsecondary educational institution’s minimum admission requirements.
  • The student’s enrollment was procured as a result of a misrepresentation in the written materials utilized by the postsecondary educational institution.
  • If the student has not visited the postsecondary educational institution prior to enrollment, and, upon touring the institution or attending the regularly scheduled orientation/classes, the student withdrew from the program within three (3) days.
2. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after starting the instructional program at a postsecondary educational institution and attending one (1) week or less, is entitled to a refund of ninety percent (90%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). 3. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than one (1) week but equal to or less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). 4. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than twenty-five percent (25%) but equal to or less than fifty percent (50%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). 5. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than fifty percent (50%) but equal to or less than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of forty percent (40%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). 6. A student withdrawing from an institutional program, after attending more than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is not entitled to a refund.
The institution shall cancel a student’s enrollment upon request of the student. The student’s obligation at the time of cancellation will be calculated as follows:
  • Within six (6) days following the signing of the contract, no obligation and all monies paid, if any, to be fully refunded.
  • After six (6) days, but before beginning of training, a registration fee of 20% of the total tuition not to exceed $100.00.
  • After beginning of training, the registration fee, plus 10% of the total tuition until student completes 10% of the assignment.
  • After completing 10% of the assignments, but prior to completing 25% of the assignments, the registration fee plus 25% of the total tuition.
  • After completing 25% of the assignments but prior to completing 50% of the assignments, the registration fee plus 50% of the total tuition.
  • After completing 50% of assignments, but prior to completing 75% of the assignments, the registration fee plus 75% of total tuition.
  • After completing 75% of assignments, the student is responsible for total tuition.
  • The contract shall state a length of time for a student to complete his course of study. If a student does not cancel by the end of such time, he is responsible for his total tuition.
  • The institution will make a proper refund, within thirty-one (31) days of the student’s request for cancellation.
  • If the student has paid tuition extending beyond twelve (12) months all such charges shall be refunded.

Official withdrawal from any program must be communicated in person, by phone, email, or by certified mail to the Registrar or Director of Education. The official withdrawal date is the student’s last date of attendance (LDA).  Tuition will be adjusted according to the refund policy dictated in this catalog.  If the student has already begun the program and an official withdrawal notice has not been received, Caris College has selected ten (10) consecutive calendar days, without prior administration approval, from the last date of actual class attendance to begin the withdrawal process. The official withdrawal date will be considered the student’s last date of attendance (LDA).

Students withdrawing during the last week of class will receive the grade the student has earned at the point of withdrawal. This grade will impact both the student’s GPA and the student’s rate of completion. The date of withdrawal will be considered to be the student’s last date of attendance in a regularly scheduled class

1. Determine the percentage of the payment period or period of enrollment completed.

To determine the percentage, divide the clock hours scheduled to have been completed as of the withdrawal date in the payment period or period of enrollment by the total clock hours in the payment period or period of enrollment.

If this percentage is greater than sixty percent (60%), one hundred percent (100%) is used in Step 3 below.

If this percentage is less than or equal to sixty percent (60%), multiply the percentage of the Title IV aid disbursed plus the Title IV aid that could have been disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment as of the date the student withdrew.

2. Calculate days in payment period or period of enrollment.

For every academic year, Caris College has two equal payment periods relative to Title IV funding. Payment period start and end dates are calculated based on program length and student enrollment status.

When a student is no longer enrolled, the amount of Title IV funds to be returned is determined by the payment period he/she is currently in. If a student has attended 60% or more days in the current payment period, he/she is responsible for 100% of the Title IV aid received during that period. If a student attends less than 60% of days in the payment period, the amount of Title IV aid to be returned to the Federal Student Aid   program is prorated based on the student’s attendance.

The total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment includes all days within the period the student was scheduled to complete, except that scheduled breaks of at least five (5) consecutive days are excluded from the total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment and the number of calendar days completed in that period. The total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment does not include days in which the student was on approved Leave of Absence.

3. Compare the amount earned to the amount disbursed.

If less aid was disbursed than was earned, the student if they have met the conditions, may receive a post withdrawal disbursement for the difference.  If more aid was disbursed than was earned, the difference is refunded back to Title IV programs.

The Return of Title IV Funds procedure

To determine the percentage, divide the clock hours scheduled to have been completed as of the withdrawal date in the payment period or period of enrollment by the total clock hours in the payment period or period of enrollment.

If this percentage is greater than sixty percent (60%), one hundred percent (100%) is used in Step 3 below.

If this percentage is less than or equal to sixty percent (60%), multiply the percentage of the Title IV aid disbursed plus the Title IV aid that could have been disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment as of the date the student withdrew.

For every academic year, Caris College has two equal payment periods relative to Title IV funding. Payment period start and end dates are calculated based on program length and student enrollment status.

When a student is no longer enrolled, the amount of Title IV funds to be returned is determined by the payment period he/she is currently in. If a student has attended 60% or more days in the current payment period, he/she is responsible for 100% of the Title IV aid received during that period. If a student attends less than 60% of days in the payment period, the amount of Title IV aid to be returned to the Federal Student Aid   program is prorated based on the student’s attendance.


The total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment includes all days within the period the student was scheduled to complete, except that scheduled breaks of at least five (5) consecutive days are excluded from the total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment and the number of calendar days completed in that period. The total number of calendar days in a payment period or period of enrollment does not include days in which the student was on approved Leave of Absence.

If less aid was disbursed than was earned, the student if they have met the conditions, may receive a post withdrawal disbursement for the difference.  If more aid was disbursed than was earned, the difference is refunded back to Title IV programs.

When Title IV aid disbursed is less than Title IV aid earned, a Post-Withdrawal disbursement will be requested. The disbursement will be made from available grant funds before available loan funds. The school will provide written notification within thirty (30) days of the date of determination of withdrawal. This notification will include the type and amount of funds, explain the option to accept or decline some or all of the funds, explain obligation to repay any loan funds disbursed, and provide at least a     fourteen (14) calendar day response deadline. The school must receive confirmation from the student (or in some cases, a parent borrower) prior to the disbursement. Federal grants must be disbursed within 45 days.

Return of unearned aid, responsibility of the institution

Caris College will return the lesser of the total amount of unearned Title IV assistance to be returned as calculated according to step 2 or an amount equal to the total institutional charges [2] incurred by the student for the payment period or period of             enrollment multiplied by the percentage of Title IV grant or loan assistance that has not been earned by the student.


Return of unearned aid, responsibility of the student:

Students who receive living expenses would be responsible for repayment of any unearned aid. If the student’s share of the unearned funds that must be returned are attributed to a Title IV loan program, then repayment will still be based under the terms and conditions of the promissory note.  If the student’s share of the unearned funds that must be returned are attributed to a Title IV Grant Program, the initial amount to return will be reduced by fifty percent (50%).

Refunds will be returned in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized William Ford Direct Loans
  2. Subsidized William Ford Direct Loans
  3. Direct PLUS Loans
  4. Federal Pell Grant Program
  5. Other Federal, State, private or institutional assistance.
  6. The Student

All returns of Title IV program funds will be made as soon as possible but no later than forty-five (45) days of termination, notification of cancellation, withdrawal, or dismissal.

A student will become eligible for a refund or return of Title IV funds once all tuition, books, and supplies & fees have been paid in full to Caris College. Any funds received after full payment is made will become a credit balance on the student’s account. Students are notified by email from the Financial Aid department as soon as possible but no later than seven (7) days once their student account shows an available credit balance. Students are given forty-eight (48) hours to respond with confirmation to receive the credit balance in the form of a refund check or as an application towards   Title IV loans. Any application of credit balance to Title IV funds will be made in the same order as outlined in step 4.

Students are notified of the outcome of all financial calculations (Institutional Refund policy calculations and Return to Title IV Refund policy calculations) and student account balance from the Bursar as soon as possible but no later than forty-five (45) days of termination, notification of cancellation, withdrawal, or dismissal. Be advised this is only the Return to Title IV refund. Once Caris College determines the amount of Title IV aid that we may retain, the institution will then calculate the Institutional Refund policy, located on the Enrollment Agreement signed during the student admission process and in the school catalog. It is possible a student may owe a balance to the school once the Title IV refund policy has been applied. [1] Last date of attendance is defined as the last day a student had an academically related activity, which may include on-campus or virtual class session(s), or clinical experiences. [2] Institutional charges are defined as tuition, fees, and other educationally related expenses assessed by Caris College.

Our programs are accelerated programs which allow students to receive training and be career ready in the least amount of time possible. Regular class attendance is essential to student success. Failure to maintain regular attendance can lead to a variety of negative consequences up to and including termination from the school. The college recognizes unforeseen circumstances occasionally arise that may result in a student being absent from class.

We expect students to be on time for and attend all classes in our programs. Caris College offers professional training programs, and they are designed to help students develop a strong work ethic and mirror the expectations of future employers. Faculty closely monitors student attendance and meets with students when a pattern of absences develops.

Students must complete their program of study in a maximum 150% timeframe. Therefore, excessive absences are a precursor to probation, suspension or termination. Potential disciplinary action is based on several factors: percentage of class missed, circumstances behind the attendance issue and student communication with the school and/or instructor.

Students who are dropped for non-attendance will be unofficially withdrawn and will receive a “W.” The “W” is placed on the student’s transcript and is used in calculating completion rate for Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student’s enrollment status will also be adjusted, a factor that may have an impact on the amount of financial assistance for which the student is eligible. Last dates of attendance in courses are determined by this attendance policy will be used in calculating when and to what extent funds must be returned to financial aid funding sources. See the Financial Aid Office for more information. Caris College is an attendance taking institution. The student’s withdrawal date is the last date that academic attendance as determined from its attendance records. Last date of attendance is defined as the last day a student had an academically related activity, which may include on-campus or virtual class session(s), or clinical/externship experiences.

Late Entry Into Class
It is required all students attend each class at least one time, no later than the first-class meeting of week two of each term. Failure to do so will result in the student not being allowed to attend the class for that term and take an Academic Leave of Absence. All students must sign the attendance roster for each class attended.

Since career preparation is the objective of Caris College programs, student conduct should be that which is normally required in the healthcare profession. Caris College reserves the right to dismiss or terminate any student prior to completion of their program, for any of the following reasons: failure to show academic progress, academic dishonesty, failure to fulfill financial agreements, failure to adhere to school attendance policy, having a weapon on campus, the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol on school property or as part of any school activity, tampering with attendance sheets, quiz/exam answer sheets or administrative records, not abiding by the applicable dress code or any behavior which may be detrimental to the reputation of Caris College. Harming one’s self or another, displaying any inappropriate behavior while on campus, displaying inappropriate behavior to any student, staff, or faculty member, being disruptive to the learning environment, or being found in violation of local, state or federal law may also result in dismissal. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to take immediate disciplinary action. Dismissed or terminated students will be unofficially withdrawn. A dismissed student’s tuition refund is calculated in accordance with the refund policy. The withdraw date will be noted as the student’s last date of attendance.

Students who must repeat a course due to academic failure(s) must submit a request for continued enrollment for review by the Program Director and Director of Academic Operations. Students will be billed for repeated course(s) due to academic failure(s). Students will remain in active status and must repeat the course(s) at the next available offering. Students will be allowed the opportunity to repeat a failed course one time, should the student unsuccessfully complete the second attempt, they will automatically be terminated from the college and their tuition refund will be calculated in accordance with the refund policy.

Repeat courses are NOT permitted in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs. Should a DMS student fail a course at any point in the program, they will automatically be dismissed from the college and their tuition refund will be calculated in accordance with the refund policy.

Official withdrawal from any program must be communicated in person, by phone, email, or by certified mail to the Director of Academic Operations. The official withdrawal date is the student’s last date of attendance [LDA].  Tuition will be adjusted according to the refund policy dictated in this catalog.  If the student has already begun the program and an official withdrawal notice has not been received, Caris College has selected ten (10) consecutive calendar days, without prior administration approval, from the last date of actual class attendance to begin the withdrawal process. The official withdrawal date will be considered the student’s last date of attendance [LDA].

Students withdrawing during the last week of class will receive the grade the student has earned at the point of withdrawal. This grade will impact both the student’s GPA and the student’s rate of completion. The date of withdrawal will be considered to be the student’s last date of attendance in a regularly scheduled class.

Free ultrasounds by our Sonography students Thursdays from 8:30am-12:30pm from 10/17 - 12/5! Must have confirmed pregnancy by physician and 18 weeks gestation. To schedule an appointment, call 812-258-9510.