how do you know if a career in healthcare is right for you

How do you know if a career in healthcare is right for you?

It’s safe to say that choosing a career path is not only one of life’s most important decisions, but it can also be one of the hardest ones to make. If you’re among the folks who are considering a career in the healthcare industry, the good news is that you’ve narrowed down your search. Now, you just need to decide if a career in healthcare is the best option for your future. To help you do that, here are some questions you may want to ask yourself.

Are you a people person?

Do you enjoy being around people from all walks of life? When you work in the healthcare industry, you’ll be working with a lot of different people, including coworkers, patients, and their families. That makes having good interpersonal and communication skills essential.

Do you enjoy helping others?

The real question is, can you see yourself in a career where your job is all about helping others on a daily basis? Even though some healthcare careers can be behind the scenes and more administrative in nature, the industry itself revolves around helping people.

Are you cool under pressure?

Working in healthcare sometimes means being in situations where patients are experiencing some of the most stressful times in their lives. Being able to remain calm and composed in times of stress is an important trait for a healthcare professional.

How do you perform in fast-paced environments?

Some roles in healthcare require the ability to respond swiftly to rapidly changing situations. Being able to quickly adapt is a strength that will serve you well in a healthcare career.

Does the human body and how it functions interest you?

Do certain aspects like the sight of blood or needles freak you out? It doesn’t mean you can’t pursue a career in healthcare, but you may be more suited for a role that doesn’t involve those things. Fortunately, there are multiple career paths within the healthcare industry that you can choose from that do not necessarily focus on functions of the human body.

Is medical technology fascinating to you?

If you’ve always been interested in the science and technology aspects of healthcare, it might be a natural fit to take that interest and apply it to your future career.

Are you looking for a career in an industry with growth potential?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the healthcare industry is growing at a much faster than average rate and is projected to continue to grow by as much as 16% by the year 2030.* That means you can expect the demand for trained healthcare professionals to continue to be high.

Once you’ve decided a career in healthcare is right for your future, there are so many opportunities to explore. The next step is to get the training you’ll need for the role you want to pursue. While there are healthcare careers that require more advanced degrees (medical doctors, surgeons), there are plenty of other options with training programs that can be completed much faster. For example, specialties such as medical assisting, and diagnostic sonography, are essential parts of many medical teams. They don’t require a 4-year degree. If you’d like to learn more about healthcare careers like these, check out the programs at Caris College. With flexible schedules, experienced instructors, and a variety of programs to choose from, Caris is training the next generation of compassionate healthcare professionals. Contact us now to learn more or schedule a campus tour today.

* Bureau of Labor Statistics
