caris college graduate

Benefits of a Career College/Trade School

Individuals who are considering what to do after graduation or who desire to change career paths often decide to return to school. Did you know that traditional two or four-year colleges aren’t the only option? You can also consider going to a trade school, which is also often referred to as a vocational school or technical college. Students who graduate from these programs quickly realize many benefits – take a look at these top great advantages.

Cost and Accessibility

Trade schools cost far less than your average university does, making the programs offered highly accessible. Additionally, students like you don’t have to worry about stressing out over applications and hoping to receive one of those competitive acceptance letters. Furthermore, students aren’t required to live on campus, which means students can choose their own affordable housing rather than commit to whatever their college is charging for room and board.

Career colleges are also well-known for their programs that are abbreviated and able to be completed in under a year. You can essentially bypass general education requirements and go straight to taking the classes for the exact job you want to learn about and gain those skill sets. Fewer classes equate to fewer out-of-pocket expenses for your education, and you won’t be left with burdensome student loans that don’t prepare you for the real world.

Advanced Training

Students who attend trade schools are taught by instructors who have the highly technical knowledge and experience needed to succeed in jobs. Their expertise isn’t conceptual and coming straight out of textbooks – these professionals tend to really know their stuff! If you’re looking to learn from people who have advanced comprehensive knowledge, you’ll find it at a career college.

Great Job Prospects

Many trade job positions are currently in high demand and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, numerous healthcare-related jobs are expected to grow exponentially through 2030.

Many employers are finding a huge talent gap when it comes to hiring people for skilled labor positions, and, if BLS is any indicator, this means steady employment for years to come.

Fast Transition to Employment

Unlike traditional colleges which require a two to four (or longer!) commitment, most programs at trade schools can be completed in less than a year. At this point, graduates can become certified and get straight to work. Many programs are designed with hands-on training which qualifies students out of the proverbial gate with the exact skills and knowledge they’ll need to land the job of their dreams.

Job Security

As noted above, many job roles are currently in high demand and will continue to be so for the next several years. Since most of these jobs cannot be outsourced, chances are you’ll likely have your pick of employers since virtually everyone will be hiring. Since you’ll possess current credentials, you’ll have immediate access to the jobs that come up in listings. Employers who are experiencing talent gaps will likely also go out of their way with employee retention initiatives.

Job Placement

Vocational schools are known for their programs offering real-life training where students go beyond the conceptual work and delve deep into the experience they’ll need when on the job. Most programs at Caris College can be completed in just 10 months and we offer lifetime job placement services. You won’t have to worry or stress about flying solo to search for jobs on your own.

Start Your Career College Journey Today!

At Caris College, we’re committed to helping our students gain the knowledge and skills they need to get straight to work upon graduation. Our programs are accredited and prepare you for any certification exams you’ll need to qualify to work (if applicable).

We also offer our students opportunities for financial assistance for those who qualify.

Ready to get started and learn a highly-sought skill set that is in demand in today’s job market? Contact Caris College today at 812-952-9791 or via our online form to learn more about our programs. We’d be delighted to answer any questions or share more information.
