Veterinary Assisting Skills

Veterinary Assisting Skills You’ll Master in the Program

Are you considering a future in the furry, yet fascinating world of veterinary assisting? If so, the Veterinary Assisting program at Caris College is the perfect place to start your journey! With a hands-on training approach, students in the program can expect to gain a deep understanding of life as a vet assistant and graduate prepared with the necessary skills to launch careers helping the pets we love on a daily basis. Curious about what veterinary assisting skills you’ll learn? Let’s break it down the five skills you’ll master in the program.

Client Communication

The first, and possibly most important skill you’ll learn is how to effectively communicate with the diverse range of clients entrusting their animals to your care. 

Animal Handling and Restraint

As a veterinary assistant, it’s important to be able to handle and restrain animals in a safe and effective manner. That’s why one of the top skills you’ll master in Caris College’s Veterinary Assisting program is animal handling and restraint. During your training, you’ll learn the proper techniques for handling and restraining different types of animals, from dogs and cats to rabbits and birds. This includes understanding their body language and behavior, as well as using the appropriate equipment, such as leashes, collars, muzzles, and gloves.

You’ll also learn how to safely and confidently handle animals during routine procedures, such as vaccinations, blood draws, and nail trims. This not only ensures the safety of the animal, but also helps to minimize their stress and discomfort. Additionally, you’ll be taught how to handle and restrain animals during more complex procedures, such as surgery or dental work. This involves using techniques that keep the animal still and calm while allowing the veterinarian to work effectively.

Overall, mastering the skill of animal handling and restraint is essential for anyone working in the veterinary field. With the training you’ll receive at Caris College, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence needed to handle and care for animals in a compassionate and professional manner.

Veterinary Terminology

As a student in the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program, you’ll learn the ins and outs of medical terminology. Understanding the complex language used in veterinary medicine is essential to your success as a veterinary assistant. 

Throughout the program, you’ll learn how to read and interpret medical records, prescription labels, and other important documents using proper medical terminology. This skill will be especially important as you communicate with other members of the veterinary team, including veterinarians and other veterinary professionals.

By mastering medical terminology, you’ll be able to better assist with patient care. You’ll be able to understand and accurately report patient symptoms and behaviors, as well as provide accurate information to pet owners. Additionally, you’ll be able to explain procedures and treatment options to clients in a way that they can understand, making you a valuable member of the veterinary team.

During your veterinary assisting program, you’ll learn medical terminology through a variety of methods, including lectures, hands-on exercises, and clinical experiences. You’ll learn the most common medical terms and abbreviations, and you’ll practice using them in real-world situations. With practice and dedication, you’ll become knowledgeable of veterinary medical terminology, and an asset to any veterinary practice.

Diagnostic Procedures

As a veterinary assistant, you will play an important role in helping veterinarians diagnose and treat animals. In the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program, you’ll learn about a range of diagnostic procedures and gain the skills you need to help conduct them. Here are just a few of the diagnostic procedures you’ll learn about:

  1. Radiography

Radiography is the process of taking X-rays to help identify problems in an animal’s bones, internal organs, or other areas of the body. As a veterinary assistant, you’ll learn how to help prepare animals for X-rays, position them correctly, and safely operate the X-ray machine.

  1. Laboratory Testing

In order to diagnose many conditions, veterinarians rely on laboratory tests to analyze blood, urine, or tissue samples. In the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program, you’ll learn how to collect and handle these samples, and how to run basic tests in the lab.

  1. Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to create images of an animal’s internal organs. As a veterinary assistant, you’ll learn how to assist veterinarians during ultrasound procedures, including how to prepare the animal, position the equipment, and help interpret the results.

  1. Endoscopy

Endoscopy involves using a flexible tube with a camera and light attached to it to examine an animal’s internal organs. In the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program, you’ll learn how to assist veterinarians during endoscopy procedures, including how to prepare the animal, insert and manipulate the endoscope, and clean and care for the equipment afterward.

By learning about these diagnostic procedures and gaining hands-on experience conducting them, you’ll develop valuable skills in observation, communication, and attention to detail. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of animal health and become better equipped to support veterinarians in providing the best possible care for their patients.

Surgical Prep and Post-Op Care

In the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program, you will receive extensive training in surgical assistance and post-operative care. As a vet assistant, you’ll be responsible for ensuring that animals undergoing surgery are comfortable, properly anesthetized, and monitored during the procedure.

During your training, you’ll learn how to prepare animals for surgery, including cleaning and disinfecting the surgical site and administering pre-operative medications. You’ll also learn how to assist the veterinarian during surgery, such as by holding tissue or passing instruments. Once the surgery is complete, your role will shift to post-operative care. This involves monitoring the animal as it wakes up from anesthesia, providing pain relief medications as needed, and checking for any signs of complications. You’ll also learn how to properly care for surgical wounds, including cleaning and bandaging.

Through your surgical assistance and post-operative care training, you’ll develop several essential skills, including attention to detail, the ability to work under pressure, and strong communication skills. You’ll need to be able to follow complex protocols and communicate effectively with both the veterinarian and the pet owners.

In addition to these general veterinary assisting skills, you’ll also develop a deep sense of empathy and compassion for the animals in your care. As a vet assistant, you’ll play a crucial role in helping these animals recover from surgery and return to their normal lives. Overall, the training you’ll receive in surgical assistance and post-operative care in the Caris College Veterinary Assisting program will prepare you for a career in veterinary medicine. You’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to make a positive impact in the lives of animals and their owners every day. Contact us now for more information. 
